Thursday, October 1, 2009

October is here and fall is definitely here!

It has been 2 weeks already and I haven't blogged.... So I thought, maybe it's time to post something on this first day of October. Fall is definitely here. This weekend, I will have to put away our summer clothes, goodbye sandals, shorts, capris, etc.... And hello sweaters and warmer clothes. Yesterday morning, it was so cold that I wore a jacket for the first time since last winter and it was also the first day we ate home made soup (leeks and potatoes, we have so many leeks in our garden!).

Last weekend, I accompanied Ernie to a coin & stamp show (boring for me and I forgot to take a book to read while he was checking out coins). The show was in West Seneca, NY and we went back through Niagara Falls, NY where we did some shopping at the new Super Walmart. Huge store (we won't be shopping at Tops anymore!) and besides great deals on food items (why are chicken and dairy products so much cheaper in the US??), I finally found a quilt for our bed.... I have been wanting one for a long time, I almost bought one last time I was at JC Penney. So I was very happy to find this beautiful quilt from the Home and Garden collection at Walmart and for the right price too: only $35.00!!

I couldn't believe it! I don't know why our Walmart doesn't carry this H&G collection, lots of pretty stuff.... I was very attracted by their dinner dishes... Maybe next time.... We are supposed to go to another coin & stamp show at Cheektowaga on Sunday, this time I won't forget a book or a magazine!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Changes on my blog

I tried to put a new banner on this blog.... I wanted a fall theme.... I found some fall banners on the cutest blog on the web but couldn't upload it... What happened?? I do have to upgrade my computer skills!! So instead I posted a picture of our fall flag that's been hanging on the front of our house since Labor Day weekend.
Today I took Casey for a long walk enjoying this beautiful fall day. She is back to her own self and went to sit on her bed when I put the bed in the kitchen but she still doesn't want to sit on her bed when I put it back in the living room.
I watched America's got talent last night, lots of good acts and I hope Barbara Padilla will win, such an amazing voice (even if I don't like opera) and such an amazing woman. And tonight The Biggest Loser starts again, not my favorite show, I just watch it on and off. Just looking forward to the new Survivor starting Thursday. With all the new shows starting, it really feels like summer is over, no more sitting in the backyard in the evenings!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A quiet weekend

A quiet weekend as most my weekends are now that I spend so much time at home taking care of my mother. Bless the Lord, she is slowly recovering from her broken hip surgery 6 weeks ago. She even sat outside this weekend, the weather was gorgeous and she did manage the 4 steps leading to our backyard, with the help of her cane and Ernie of course.

We took Casey to the vet again on Friday but just for a quick check-up, our vet wanted to make sure that Casey's ear is healing properly. Luckily, our Casey is back to her normal self after acting very strange for 2 days because of her allergy to penicillin. After changing the antibiotics, she is OK again except she still wants to sleep on the kitchen floor and not in her bed in the living room. Very strange... She used to love her bed!

And what I did this weekend:

- Three loads of laundry.

- Grocery shopping.

- Cleaned the laundry room, my scrapbooking room and the bathroom downstairs and I vacumed everything (I hate to vacum!).

- Watched "Yes Man", funny movie if you like Jim Carrey.

- Went for breakfast with Ernie at Opa and Oma, well really it was breakfast for Ernie but lunch for me.

- And I made this birthday card for one of my mother's friend who speaks French.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back Blogging...

As I haven't been blogging for over a year but spend way too much time reading other people's blogs, I have decided enough is enough: Let's start blogging again!

Summer should be officially over and fall should be here but not this year, I am still wearing shorts and flip flops but I have put up my fall decorations last weekend. At our house, Labor Day weekend, the fall decorations go up and American Thanksgiving weekend, the Christmas decorations go up. I wouldn't put them up on our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend because that would be too early (mid-October!).

All the tomatoes are picked (way too many this year and no I won't start canning!), the patio furniture is still out and we are still using our BBQ. I am enjoying the cool mornings and evenings and the sunny days in the afternoon.

Fall is definitely my favorite season and I am looking forward to start cooking fall foods: chilis, soups, anything with pumpkins or apples. And I am so ready to start wearing jeans instead of capris or shorts and warm sweaters instead of T-shirts.

Another 3 or 4 weeks and I can start decorating for Halloween.