Monday, September 14, 2009

A quiet weekend

A quiet weekend as most my weekends are now that I spend so much time at home taking care of my mother. Bless the Lord, she is slowly recovering from her broken hip surgery 6 weeks ago. She even sat outside this weekend, the weather was gorgeous and she did manage the 4 steps leading to our backyard, with the help of her cane and Ernie of course.

We took Casey to the vet again on Friday but just for a quick check-up, our vet wanted to make sure that Casey's ear is healing properly. Luckily, our Casey is back to her normal self after acting very strange for 2 days because of her allergy to penicillin. After changing the antibiotics, she is OK again except she still wants to sleep on the kitchen floor and not in her bed in the living room. Very strange... She used to love her bed!

And what I did this weekend:

- Three loads of laundry.

- Grocery shopping.

- Cleaned the laundry room, my scrapbooking room and the bathroom downstairs and I vacumed everything (I hate to vacum!).

- Watched "Yes Man", funny movie if you like Jim Carrey.

- Went for breakfast with Ernie at Opa and Oma, well really it was breakfast for Ernie but lunch for me.

- And I made this birthday card for one of my mother's friend who speaks French.

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